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Palm Reading

Psychic John Edwards,Herbalist healer in cape town

WHATSAPP  +27-7110309778

About Me

A Unique Psychic Reader

I believe in spirits, angels, and guidance from the outside universe. In my eyes, all people have the power to improve their lives, all they need to do is harness the proper energy. Since 2000, I have been harnessing divine energy for my clients, providing them with unparalleled psychic services; I am pleased to do the same for you. Get in contact with me today to see how we can begin working together.

Client Testimonials

Straight From The Source

This is what my happy clients say Cynthia from London
my boyfriend's family did not approve our relationship because they practice different religion so he decided to end our relationship i was divested without him because i believed he was my soulmate .i looked for solutions and found psychic Riyaz website and contacted him for a love ritual to be casted on him to save my relationship and it worked and convinced his family that were too negative and our relationship his parents gave me a chance and allowed him to date me slowly they started being nice to me and now they love me am so gratefully for the powerful love spell has given us to be happy now have family's with kids
Breaking Up With You ritual
Creates the best circumstances for you to break up with someone! If you really want to break up with someone, but you're not quite sure what to say or how to go about doing it, this might be just the spell you're looking for! This spell has a great way of creating the best circumstances for breaking up with someone under the best conditions. After casting this spell, the first thing most people notice a lot of little "coincidences" that create just the right conditions to make your break up as easy as possible
Return a Loved One and Break Them Up Rituals
This is very good to use when the case isn't too complex. Works very well together with the "Forgive and Forget" ritual. The spell will return your lover to you and break the lover’s current relationship. If they are married then you need to purchase this ritual 2 times for a multi-casting.

Reunite with your lover. 100% refund in 24hrs if expected  results not achieved.


 and reviews for psychic JOHN EDWARD because he has done wonders as far as traditional healing and herbalism is concerned with charms miracles for all services rendered all clients all the world are happy with confidential casting of rituals.

 Marriage/Relationship Approval

Get the help you need to start moving in a more positive direction! You've been through the hard part of trying everything you could think of and nothing worked. You've gone through the break-up, and you realize that there’s nothing left to do but to move on. But, your heart has been broken and you don’t know how or where to start “moving on“. This ritual will help you to focus on moving in a more positive direction, one step at a time. It will begin to open up opportunities to build yourself up and strengthen your inner being in such a way that you actually begin to feel empowered by what you've been through! Not only will you find yourself moving on, but you’ll find yourself moving in a much more positive direction. The funny thing is, that others around you actually start feeling empowered just by being around your positive energy!

Bring back your lost love

 stop lovers from cheating

Get Results My powers transcend over distance & boundaries. Whichever part of the world you are, I can help you.  

Is your love life falling apart? Is your partner losing interest in you? Protection against enemies General protection and removal of bad spirits Success and progress in work, jobs, and promotions .Traditional Healing and Witchcraft Divorce Assistance .Forecasting your Future .Help Marriage and Relationship advice

 Here is my promise to you PROMISE THAT I WILL DO my very best work for you .will respect your privacy ,i will not seek to obtain your personal information beyond what u might voluntarily offer and all information you might  give me including phone numbers, emails ,photos will remain private and confidential   

Love bindings Rituals using black magic

Love ritual using black magic it may be used to re-unite lost love, or to bring back an ex, it may also be used to find the best soul mate and or to have an everlasting love and married life

.Mend a Broken Heart

Get the help you need to start moving in a more positive direction! You've been through the hard part of trying everything you could think of and nothing worked. You've gone through the break-up, and you realize that there’s nothing left to do but to move on. But, your heart has been broken and you don’t know how or where to start “moving on“. This spell will help you to focus on moving in a more positive direction, one step at a time. It will begin to open up opportunities to build yourself up and strengthen your inner being in such a way that you actually begin to feel empowered by what you've been through! Not only will you find yourself moving on, but you’ll find yourself moving in a much more positive direction. The funny thing is, that others around you actually start feeling empowered just by being around your positive energy.

"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge"

Bring back lost lover charms
If you are alone and afraid you are condemned to live the rest of your life without that special someone, this work is designed for you and may help in this case .make it your own. 

  Break Them Up and Reunite Us

Is your ex with someone else and you still want them back?  This work will get them to end their current relationship and come back to you

  Return lover charms

 Are you looking to reunite with an ex?  This ritual will get them missing you enough to initiate contact and form a relationship with you again. It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout

    Fall in Love ritual

Do you have your eye on someone that you would like to fall in love with you? Whether its a close friend or a a casual acquaintance, this work will ignite a spark between the two of you and the person of your choice will fall in love with you

Adore Me love charms

The first step in finding true love has less to do with convincing someone else and more to do with increasing your own lust. Do you want people notice you? Most especially possible love interests? Do you want people to feel you when you walk into a room OR to command more attention?

 You need the Adore Me Spell if: 1.You want to feel the glow of Love Magic coursing through you. 2.You want to feel everyone's eyes on you. 3.You want someone special to notice you

Fall in love Ritual 

  Do you have your eye on someone that you would like to fall in love with you? Whether its a close friend or a a casual acquaintance, this spell will ignite a spark between the two of you and the person of your choice will fall in love with you.

Pregnancy Herbs / Good Luck Herbs

Pregnancy herbs are herbal remedies that are used to support a healthy pregnancy and childbirth. These herbs have been used for centuries in traditional medicine systems to promote reproductive health and wellness. It’s important to note that many pregnancy herbs are considered safe. You would need to consult with someone as experienced as myself before using any. If you have difficulty in conceiving, then you have found the right place. I also offer herbs for good luck! Contact me for more information. 


You want to salvage this relationship because u have put so much of your self into it to fail u will find the right person for u merely have to convince that your the incredible person whom they can not leave them them


accurate psychic reading

Truly Top-Notch

I have crafted unique love charms to help in relationship problems. Love is an important part in our lives which creates a bond between partners. I have different love rituals for all relationship situations.

Is any of this happening to you:
.Why are men or women always avoiding me?
.Why am I always fighting with my partner?
.Why does my partner cheat on me?
.Why don't my relationships last?
.Why is my husband or wife divorcing me?
.Why are people always interfering in my relationship?


Love rituals to return back your ex lover even if its been a very long time i make him/her love u more and think only u and make him/her dream of u and love u alone. voodoo doll rituals money rituals spiritual healing will help u to take revenge on your enemies and remove toxic people in your life.

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